解码旅程: 渣打银行新加坡马拉松赛如何激励个人成长

The Standard Chartered 新加坡 Marathon (SCSM) is more than a test of endurance—it’s a platform for self-discovery, resilience, and growth. At Decode, we believe in breaking down challenges into achievable steps, much like the journey of a marathon. The SCSM perfectly embodies this philosophy, offering runners a chance to push their limits, redefine success, and create meaningful connections.


就像解决一个复杂的问题一样,跑马拉松需要准备、策略和执行。每一英里都是一个新的挑战--无论是克服疲劳、保持节奏还是保持动力。在 Decode,我们将这些相似之处视为反思的机会,思考有条不紊的计划和心理弹性如何在赛道内外取得成功。



解码的价值观与 SCSM 一致

  1. 准备: 无论是准备马拉松比赛还是处理复杂的项目,成功都始于将任务分解为可执行的步骤。Decode 倡导这种方法,鼓励个人深思熟虑地规划自己的旅程。
  2. 适应能力: 马拉松运动员必须随时调整自己以适应各种条件,无论是天气变化还是能量波动。在 Decode,我们深知在面对意想不到的挑战时保持灵活性和重新调整的重要性。
  3. Community Support: The cheering spectators and camaraderie among runners mirror Decode’s belief in the power of collaboration. Just like the SCSM brings people together, Decode fosters environments where teamwork drives progress.

交易你的马拉松: DECODE 方式

在 DECODE 集团,我们相信在交易中应用结构化、马拉松式的原则:

  • 设定明确的目标: 你的目标是稳定的每日回报、长期的投资组合,还是掌握新的交易策略?
  • 制定策略: 就像长跑运动员要有计划地训练一样,交易者也需要一个经过充分研究的系统来指导他们的决策。
  • 衡量进展: 跟踪你的输赢和经验教训,以便随着时间的推移不断完善你的方法。
  • 坚持到底: 就像马拉松运动员一样,交易者要想取得成功,就必须保持纪律性,即使路途艰难。

关于 DECODE 集团

DECODE Group is a leading international financial services conglomerate, established in 2004 with its central headquarters located in Sydney, Australia. The group holds multiple financial licenses across various countries, including an Australian Financial Services License, and is authorized to provide financial services. DECODE集团 operates under the stringent regulatory oversight of esteemed bodies, notably the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

