总部位于澳大利亚悉尼的全球顶级金融服务集团 Decode Global 很高兴地宣布推出其一体化交易平台。这个充满活力的尖端平台就像一个 "交易宇宙"。交易者和投资者将获得各种交易功能,从而重新定义驾驭金融市场的方式。
Decode 平台的主要功能包括
- 全新的跟单交易: 允许用户毫不费力地跟着成功交易者的策略。该系统引入了 "交易员排行榜",展示至少三个月以来一直保持盈利的交易员。交易员排行榜 "展示了不同交易员的不同交易风格和历史业绩记录,使用户能够根据个人风险偏好选择交易员。
- 高胜率交易策略: Decode 与 ORION 交易学院(澳大利亚)合作,提供高胜率交易策略。同样的策略已用于管理价值数亿的基金规模。尽管面临着 COVID-19 疫情、俄乌战争、全球经济衰退等世界性重大危机,该基金仍保持着近 80% 的出色胜率。
- 全新的 "自动指导 "功能: 自动指导功能(针对专业策略订阅者)可应用高胜率策略,方便交易者使用,提高交易效率和成功率。
Mr Alex Chen, head of Marketing for Decode Group commented, “We are excited to launch Decode Global’s new all-in-one trading platform to the market. We believe this “Tradeniverse” will empower traders and investors to take control of their financial futures with ease, efficiency, and confidence.”
To celebrate the launch, Decode Global is offering a limited-time promotion, providing new users with free trading signals for seven days. Visit our website atwww.decodeex.com to learn more and sign up for a free account.
关于DECODE Global
Decode Global is a leading international financial services conglomerate, established in 2004 with its central headquarters located in Sydney, Australia. Decode GlobalCapital Pty Ltd and Decode Funding Ltd are duly licensed as Australian Financial Services Licensees and are authorised to offer financial advice and services. They operate under the stringent regulatory oversight of esteemed bodies, notably the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). The company provides a diversified portfolio of financial products aimed at safeguarding and augmenting the wealth and capital of family offices